Girl With The Curls |
Observations of a Quixotic Femme Noire
__One Percent - 1%__
Warrior-woman; a Valkyrie. I'll always be yours. Always...and never. ![]() Are You HOT or NOT? ![]() ![]() ARCHIVES 04.2001 05.2001 06.2001 07.2001 08.2001 09.2001 10.2001 11.2001 12.2001 01.2002 03.2002 04.2002 05.2002 06.2002 07.2002 08.2002 09.2002 11.2002 01.2003 03.2003 04.2003 05.2003 08.2003 03.2004 04.2004 05.2004 07.2004 11.2004 12.2004 01.2005 02.2005 03.2005 04.2005 05.2005 06.2005 07.2005 08.2005 09.2005 10.2005 11.2005 12.2005 01.2006 02.2006 04.2006 05.2006 10.2006 11.2006 01.2007 02.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 11.2007 12.2007 05.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 |
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Today is my boy's 10th birthday. It is amazing that he's been roaming the earth this long. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed and yet it has. And tomorrow, he'll be a grown-ass man... Time flies when you're raising kids! It's fun, but not the kind of fun, say playing basketball with your friends, it's more a roller-coaster kinda fun...aren't sure of the twists and turns, some parts make one feel a bit ill, it's thrilling and exciting and scary and when it's over (it's never over) one is compelled to do it again. Ha! No way, factory is closed here, but I know this is an experience that I'll never walk away from; never regret a moment of it, though I may have some guilt over mistakes. I've learned a lot and grown wiser raising my kids; they've taught me a much and reminded me of wonder and mystery. Beautiful. ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Humility is an underrated virtue. Don't forget the pleasures of modesty. Overview: You know those days where you just aren't yourself? This is one of them. You might even be impulsive! Just make sure to be a bit cautious. This is not the time for any big decisions. Taurus Daily extended (by may feel as if your nose isn't just put to the grindstone -- it's more like it's been glued there. Keep up your heroic efforts, though, and you'll see your work come to fruition and then some. There may be some tasks that require Herculean amounts of strength, but you're more than capable of getting them out of the way. After all, big triumphs usually require big amounts of energy. You know you're up to the task, so have faith that you can get it done. holla@me Monday, August 29, 2005
What is this about friggin' food?!?! I'm not having much trouble there. I mean yeah, I've been in a "food mood" but I've been eating healthy. Dude bought Krispy Kreme doughnuts on Saturday and total, I've had 3...2 of them were specifically for me: lemon filled yuuummmmm. Other than that...not much junk. However, I do need to get out frustrations though I am very happy not to feel low like some of my friends are. Call me & glad we talked. Food isn't the only thing I can metabolise well. First day of school today. Gotta walk the girl to school. Already set w/my lesson plan for the boy. whoopee! ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Are you biting back your feelings, only to feel frustrated later? Talk them out now. Overview: Doesn't your body deserve the best? So why are you feeding it fast food and potato chips and all other kinds of junk? Clean up your eating habits and see if that doesn't affect multiple other areas of your life. Taurus Daily extended (by fantastic bargain awaits, but you'll have to go out of your way to find it. Scorn malls and chain stores and seek out the delightfully odd and hidden. Haunt flea markets, garage sales and make a point of going out of the way to any boutiques or specialty stores that you've always been curious about. Something fabulous out there is seeking you, but you have to be open to receiving it. Stay curious. - I don't go to malls and chain stores for my clothing searches - ewww. No, it's usually garage/yard sales, Goodwill, "odd" shops, Alko. I really detest the mall. holla@me Saturday, August 27, 2005
I've not been having a problem with food, but I do need nourishment... ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Trust yourself. Learn to believe your instincts, and you'll make the right choices. Overview: Committing yourself to something for the long term because it's what everyone else does has never been your thing. Remember that if someone starts pressuring you to say yes before you're ready. Taurus Daily extended: Are you eating because you're hungry or chowing down for other, perhaps more emotional, reasons? As one of the earthier and more grounded signs of the zodiac, you can respond to stress via your body, and overindulging in food is one of the easiest ways to do that. However, make sure you need those calories and aren't simply trying to feed your anxiety so it'll be quiet. Find a way to nourish your body and soul in appropriate ways holla@me
Why men don't listen... When women are speaking at great length, men tend to tune them out. Now men have a scientific excuse. Females voices, a new study finds, are more complex than male voices, making men's brains work harder when listening to them. The shape and size of female vocal cords and larynx lead women to speak with greater range of sound frequencies than men. Women also naturally have more melody in their voices. Listening to female voices activates the auditory center of a man's brain, which must analyse the different sounds at the same time he's interpreting the words. Men process other male voices in a different portion of the brain. The study also helps explain why people who hear voices generally only hear male voices, British researcher Michal Hunter tells "The brain would find it much harder to creat a false female voice accurately than a false male voice". holla@me Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I know I got it in me. I am an organized person...just gotta do it. Taurus Daily extended (by seems like being pragmatic and being creative are two items that are in opposition, but that's far from the case -- and you're living proof that both can coexist happily. In fact, it goes beyond coexisting -- these two qualities actually help each other. Your practical side makes sure you have everything done so you can go and create a masterpiece, and your creativity ensures that everything that's a must-do gets done with a certain flair. *chanting mantra - Don't Think Just Do, Don't Think Just Do, don't think just do, don'tthinkjustdo,dontthinkjustdodontthi... holla@me Tuesday, August 23, 2005
ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Take your time and mind your manners. Your mother's advice still applies. Overview: Security is a fantastic thing, but not when it leads to you feeling stifled and bored. So if things have been a tad too safe and not nearly as stimulating as you require, do something about it. Now. Taurus Daily extended (by or someone is telling you to go, go, go, but your innately stubborn nature comes to the rescue and balks at being told to hurry. You'll go at your own pace, and you'll get there in your own sweet time. You're absolutely right about that, so stick to your guns, no matter how frantic someone else seems. Just because they're in a panic is no reason to get in one, too. You'll soon see the wisdom of your choice, and so will they. LOL... so true for my day today. And for my friend... Capricorn Daily extended (by a fresh approach to an old problem. It's important that you don't apply the 'usual' methods to solving this current conundrum -- after all, if the problem is back in your life, that method didn't work too well the first time, did it? So do a headstand, ask a kid for their take on the situation -- do something, anything, to get you out of your current mindset and give you a fresh outlook on whatever it is you're grappling with right now. holla@me Monday, August 22, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Speak frankly with someone whom you trust. You'll see a change. Overview: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water .... Fortunately for you, a good friend comes along and points out that it's still teeming with (metaphorically, of course) sharks. Thank them for their help. Taurus Daily extended (by ideas abound. You're feeling inspired and ready to change your life -- and possibly the world while you're at it. (Hey, why not? You're a pretty industrious type.) Rather than worry about implementing all these theories right away, take some time to mull them over. Let your mind feel free to explore all the avenues of possibility rather than trying to set boundaries and solidify plans right away. Make sure you have a pen to write everything down. Leo Daily extended (by look great, they say all the right things and then there's just that magic connection you two have. Hold on there, partner. Look before you leap, especially if you're considering diving into some deep emotional waters. If you're not careful, you could seriously bump your head, especially if this person turns out to be just a touch more shallow than you thought. Reserve judgment and action until you know them better. Scorpio Daily extended (by order to achieve it, first you have to dream it. Go ahead and let your imagination have free rein. Keep a dream journal, see an exotic and unusual art exhibit; basically, try an activity that's beyond your usual scope of experience to stimulate your creativity and give you plenty of material to draw upon as you think about what's next on your horizon. Your sign needs lots of stimulation to keep your interest from flagging, so seek it out. Libra Daily extended (by cloud of goodwill may be temporarily turning everything in your sight rosy and glowing, so beware of making any long-term decisions that will seriously impact your future. If someone presses you for an answer, let them know that you need to wait until you're good and ready before deciding. Wait until this influence passes and you're able to view things with a more detached perspective and a slightly more jaundiced eye. Capricorn Daily extended (by stars give your creativity a dose of high-octane gas, so rev 'er up and let 'er go. It's time to break out your sketchpad, clay, clarinet -- whatever it is that lets you noodle around and explore all kinds of artistic avenues. You're sure to feel inspired with these kinds of celestial influences. In fact, you may have so much fun playing around with this 'hobby' that you look for ways to incorporate it into your regular, everyday life. holla@me Friday, August 19, 2005
We talked - for the better? I sure hope so, this is wearing me down... ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Subtract the attitude, and that former antagonist might be quite a sweetie. Overview: Cleaning up after careless people is no fun. What's even less fun is feeling -- and acting like -- a martyr. If you're doing more than your fair share (and have been for a while) say something, quick! Taurus Daily extended (by! Someone's working their way under your skin and trying to provoke you. Rather than being irritated by what you see as their needless rebellion, take a step back and a deep breath and view things objectively. Could it be that they actually have a point? Would changing your mind and your ways on this matter actually benefit you in the long run? These are all very good questions to consider. Libra Daily extended (by've got energy and imagination to spare, and when it comes to the social scene, you're the tops. No one need fear an awkward silence as long as you're around spreading your special brand of goodwill and evenhanded charm. Your honest enjoyment of people always ensures a good time, and that goes double today. You can turn the lunch line at your local sandwich shop into a party with graciousness and ease. Leo Daily extended (by'Impish' is one way to describe the current behavior of your nearest and dearest. 'Annoying' is another. What's gotten into your friends and family? It seems like they're being contrary simply for the sake of needling each other (and you). Whatever the reason, try and let it roll off your back. In order to avoid a full-on flameout with someone you care about, resolve to turn the other cheek and ignore their bizarre behavior. Capricorn Daily extended (by's tempting to tinker with something, but your efforts to do so might raise a whole Greek chorus of no's, especially when you're considering making changes to a well-oiled machine such as yourself. Reassure folks that you won't be changing the substance of who you are or what you do, but a definite style refresher might be due. After all, it'll keep you from getting bored and get you ready to face new challenges. What could be better? holla@me Thursday, August 18, 2005
A great many people fall in love with or feel attracted to a person who offers the least possibility of a harmonious union. - Rudolf Dreikurs If we judge love by the majority of its results, it rather resembles hatred than friendship. - Rochelfoucauld The worst, the least curable hatred is that which has superseded deep love. - Euripides holla@me
For You - sayings of Friedrich Neitzsche: If married couples did not live together, happy marriages would be more frequent. When one has not had a good father, one must create one. None are more struck with the charms of virtue in the fair sex than those who, by their very admiration of it, are carried to a desire of ruining it. - Joseph Addison Men are so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance. - Honore De Balzac holla@me
I feel like he places no value in what I say or offer as advice or 'something'. Or he takes my words, puts his _spin_ on it and then it becomes his. If this is what being a Classic Girl is, nevermind - I'm don't wanna be a Classic Girl. But it breaks my heart when he disregards my carefully considered observations and/or ignores them completely and/or acts like he hears but does nothing. I'd be lying if I said I havent't disconnected a bit already - to be fully 'there' in the bullshit...I'd be almost nonfunctional or I'd explode. But him? - he's fine when I pretend nothing is wrong so what does that say about you _attached_ he is. And I can't pretend anymore. It is too painful. I feel like it oozes off me anyway. Taurus extended: What happens in a tug-of-war if one of the equally matched opponents simply drops the rope? Well, it means that the struggle is over, for one. Evaluate what you may be tussling over. Is this really that important, or are you engaged in this push-me-pull-you contest simply because you're caught up in the conflict and can't let it go? While your stubbornness can come in handy, this may be one moment to put it aside. Leo extended: If someone tries to enlist you in their little drama, just say no -- you can always get a subscription to your local theater if you need to have any extra sturm und drang in your life. Don't succumb, no matter how tempting it is to wade in there with the big guns and sort everything out. You've got things to sort out that need your care and attention, so tend your own garden rather than trying to pull out the weeds from everyone else's.. I don't think he cares about me. I don't think he respects me. I feel like he hates me. I feel like there is only one thing he sees me for. I won't fuck so I have no use in his world. I'm tired of feeling like this. It hurts so much. And still, unless I say something about 'IT', nothing is mentioned. I never thought it would be like this between us. And here it is. YMI here? holla@me Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Taurus extended: Get outside. If possible, stay outside all day. Too many hours cooped up indoors can lead you to feeling disconnected with the things that really matter, and your sign more than most needs regular contact with nature. If you've got something to mull over, take a hike (literally) and do your thinking around a lot of trees. You'll find that all that natural growth makes your thoughts grow in surprising and enlightening ways. holla@me Tuesday, August 16, 2005
ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Roam if you want to. Start making big plans. Isn't it time to see more of the world? Overview: Tired of taking the bull and just getting the horns? Why not pinpoint exactly what it is that you want to see change around here? When you get specific, you might just start to see some change. Taurus Daily extended (by might be prone to proselytize in your presence, but you don't have to provide a permanent audience, especially if you have your own life to lead -- and you very definitely do. If you feel up to it, go ahead and engage them in a little open-minded debate. You might just expose them to a whole different point of view that they've never considered, and you can consider that your good deed for the day. Leo Daily extended (by, you're at a turning point, and while you may feel your enthusiasm beginning to lag, it's important to remember that you'll get back exactly what you put into on-the-job tasks. You know you've got the deeds to back up your words, so make sure that you devote your time to doing just that. While your confident way with words is normally irresistible, concrete action is much more appropriate at this time. Capricorn Daily extended (by're getting so many congratulatory pats on the back that you might need to wear something padded to cushion yourself. Some people (some jealous people, that is) might call it luck, but you know better. In your case, 'luck' was composed of equal parts talent, perseverance, hard work and opportunity. So go ahead and smile pretty for the cameras as they record your success for all posterity. How sweet it is! Libra Daily extended (by routines and obeying orders won't feel very fulfilling right now -- on the contrary, it'll feel like you're kowtowing and knuckling under to authority for no good reason. You're a rebel and you need to feel free of strictures, especially ones that don't make any sense to you. Find ways to convert this strong energy into something useful, and preferably far away from the presence of bosses or other authority figures. holla@me Sunday, August 14, 2005
ambercyn's Taurus Forecast Quickie: If you don't feel like doing something, say no. Save yourself the trouble. Overview: Flirting with danger seems appealing, but it could just complicate things needlessly right now. Why not have a nice, meaningful conversation with stability instead? It might be just what you need. flirt: You've been tempted to step up and make a move, but try putting it off a little while longer, or maybe even dropping it and looking for something else. extended: Tiptoe around someone who seems like they might be in a grumpier mood than normal. That doesn't mean you have to muffle everything you say and do, of course, but an extra dash of sensitivity when dealing with them will definitely make your day (and theirs) go a whole lot more smoothly. Don't think that they won't notice, either. They'll return the favor and then some if you're ever in a similar situation. Libra extended: You're very good at giving, but it can become such an ingrained habit that you cut yourself off from your own feelings. Rather than disconnecting by convincing yourself that others' needs are more important than yours, find a way to get back in touch with that lively, fun part of yourself that has the capacity to just enjoy what's going on in the now. The stars guarantee a good time if you put yourself first right now. holla@me Saturday, August 13, 2005
"Look What You've Done" - Jet Take my photo off the wall If it just won't sing for you 'Cause all that's left has gone away And there's nothing there for you to prove Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone Oh well, it seems like such fun Until you lose what you had won Give me back my point of view 'Cause I just can't think for you I can hardly hear you say What should I do, well you choose Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone Oh well, it seems like such fun Until you lose what you had won Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone A fool of everyone A fool of everyone Take my photo off the wall If it just won't sing for you 'Cause all that's left has gone away And there's nothing there for you to do Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone Oh well, it seems like such fun Until you lose what you had won Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone A fool of everyone A fool of everyone I thought that I made a good choice - with intelligence and, I'm thinkin' it was just the drugs. ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Don't pussyfoot your way around the issue. Be direct. Say what's on your mind. Overview: Calculators might be exact, but you've got an even more subtle and precise instrument working for you -- your instinct. So listen up to what it's trying to tell you -- and be open-minded! Taurus Daily extended (by partnership might be ready to proceed at full speed -- the lights are green and there's a clear stretch of road ahead. Whether it's a business or personal relationship, you're more aware than ever that there's more here than meets the eye, and that it deserves your full commitment and a willingness to explore all the fantastic possibilities that lie ahead. So talk it over with your partner. You'll find that they're willing to expand this situation as well. Libra Daily extended (by you've been reevaluating what your ideas about romance are. How much of what you need from a relationship has been dictated to you by others? Well, you're ready to toss all that aside and focus on your genuine needs and desires from that special someone in your life. It might be a formidable task to tackle, but finding someone who can keep up with you will be ultimately a very rewarding venture. holla@me Friday, August 12, 2005
Unraveling Khipu's Secrets - Researchers are moving toward understanding the communicative power of khipu, the Inca's enigmatic knotted strings...tentatively identify the first known khipu "word"; if verified, the find suggests that khipu were one of the world's oldest complex recording systems. holla@me
Helen Reddy topless in some movie in the 70's...stupid male DJ making comments, laughs, "Really, Helen Reddy"? And why not? I am Woman signified being femme and doing what One wants. I think that most males have issue of seeing a woman naked because of the hardwiring: can't help but think of sex. Thereby a femme is an object and not worthy of respect...generally speaking of course. It would do Women, both genders actually, much good if men processed women being sexual beings too, not just object and a force to be reckoned with. B- says that's how he looks at me: A super-sexy woman that one shouldn't fuck with. Heh-heh. He's pretty smart, at times...for a man. *sticks out tongue* ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Learn how to take your own emotional pulse. Are you dealing with your feelings? Overview: Feel like something's on your back, but you can't quite figure out what it is? Examine the recent past for any loose ends that need to be tied into neat bows and double knots. That ought to do it. Taurus Daily extended (by normally placid exterior might be a wee more aware of any pricks and stings even if they're not directed at you. The stars make you able to perceive things below the surface that you might otherwise miss, but the other side of that ability is seeing slights that might not actually be there. Remember to take nothing personally and remember that you can't know everything that's going on with someone else, and your day will be a breeze. Libra Daily extended (by now, your desires are right on the surface. You're like a snake shedding its skin -- you're ready to shuck off anything that inhibits or restricts you, whether that means purging your wardrobe of items that don't fit, giving a boring friend the boot or ridding yourself of bad habits that you know hold you back. You're feeling rebellious and ready to rock, but it's no pose -- these impulses come from a deep and trustworthy place. Logophile Logorrhoea holla@me Thursday, August 11, 2005
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act". - George Orwell "A tragic situation exists precisely when virtue does not triumph but when it is still felt that man is nobler than the forces which destroy him". - George Orwell holla@me
Grieving Mother's War Protest Draws Notice 2 minutes ago CRAWFORD, Texas - Cindy Sheehan's eyes well with tears when she talks about her oldest son, Casey, an easygoing young man with a quiet wit... One in 25 men might be raising another man's child Thu Aug 11,12:58 AM ET LONDON (Reuters) - One in 25 fathers could unknowingly be raising another man's child, British scientists said on Thursday.... Study: Diet May Help Fight Prostate Cancer 1 hour, 22 minutes ago WASHINGTON - A radical ultra low-fat diet and other lifestyle changes may help keep early-stage prostate cancer from worsening, says the first attempt to test the theory... Landmines, poverty and politics make Sudan 'biggest' challenge for UN Thu Aug 11, 6:57 AM ET JUBA, Sudan (AFP) - The effort to restore peace and stability in war-shattered, underdeveloped southern Sudan is the biggest-ever logistical challenge faced by a UN peacekeeping mission, United Nations officials here say.... Air Force officer charged for anti-Bush graffiti Wed Aug 10,10:00 PM ET DENVER (Reuters) - A U.S. Air Force colonel has been charged with painting obscenities on parked cars bearing pro-President Bush bumper stickers, police said on Wednesday.... Research: Web Site's Appearance Matters Wed Aug 10, 7:18 PM ET BOSTON - It's no secret that men and women tend to spend their time on the Internet quite differently. But British researchers suggest it's not just a Web site's subject or function that determines whether it will draw more men or women. The appearance of the site also might play a subtle role.... holla@me
I can energize a person only so much... I know about emotional vampires and all but still, I didn't think, never thought I'd live... Still chuckling over C- amazed and wondering about where I get my energy from and Red stating it was all natural. But it's true, I am very motivated to maintain happiness in my life and do things to my best ability. Gotta make your joy where ya can. Can't expect it to land in your lap. May as well work hard and play hard. *giggling* Life is just too short. When I am performing a task, hobby, work, pleasure...if it fulfills me - energizes me - makes me happy - keeps me healthy...I do what I must to balance these things and keep it in my daily/weekly/monthly. Of course, the caveat being: I only use my powers for good. *evil grin* holla@me "Eat a vegan." "Eat the rich". "Frodo failed!!! Bush has The Ring!" I love signs. ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Spend some quiet time with someone you love. Get centered. Feel grounded. Overview: You've got major resources at your disposal -- major inner resources. Concentrate on how to access those, and you just might find that some outward circumstances shift to accommodate you. If I Were Going - The Afghan Whigs; Gentlemen What should I tell her? She's going to ask If I ignore it, it gets uncomfortable Shel'll want to argue about the past Still I think she believes me Every word I say I think I'm starting to believe it all, myself Go ask the gentlemen who play it But hate to pay And It don't bleed, and It don't breathe It's locked Its jaws & now It's swallowing It's in our heart, It's in our head It's in our love, Baby, It's in our bed It holds my arms down, sits upon my chest It waves Its finger at me every night & day And It don't rest And It don't breathe and It don't bleed It's locked Its jaws and now It's swallowing It's all a lie, it's nearly dead It's in our hope, Baby, It's in our bed ...Dedicated to the one I love. Every Word - Sade; Lover's Rock ... You treated me like a stranger And all the time I was loving you All your slick moves they were once innocent moves I wanted to look up to you I really trusted you And every word you said In there every word Oh Oh How could you have done that to us I was loving you like a child All the time you were smiling the same smile I was loving you like a child I really trusted you Every word you said Every word you said Love is what the word was ... holla@me Wednesday, August 10, 2005
...and I feel like an asshole! LOL...treated like one enough you start thinkin' you are. but I've been readin' this book called Anal Pleasure and Health ...I'm gettin' on track. *grin* ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Temptation has never been so enticing. Go ahead and indulge -- this once. Taurus flirt: You can worry about your friends' problems later. Right now you've got stuff that's important to you that you need to deal with -- and maybe one cutie that needs attention. extended: Go out of your way to do something new, even in the smallest way. Take a different way to the office kitchen (who knew that there was a cute new hire in the east corner?) or go somewhere different for lunch (Greek food -- what a nice change from the usual burrito!). If you make an effort, there are a thousand different ways you could shed a little light and brighten up your day. It might just spill over into all kinds of unexpected areas, too. holla@me Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Memory :: Brain Deterioration The brain does not have to deteriorate as we grow older. In fact, one recent study shows that new cell growth in the brain occurs in adults, something previously thought not to occur. This growth occurs in the hippocampus which is where memories are stored. Another recent study shows that brain cells do not die as we age. In fact, when we are senior citizens we will have the same number of brain cells as when we were teenagers. Nearly 90% of people will age without any memory impairment caused by diseases or other medical conditions. The decline that most people will experience is due to a reduction in the number of dendrites in the brain, which form the connections between neurons in the brain. Dendrites deteriorate because of disuse. The good news is that this can be avoided by staying mentally active. Solving brain teasers and playing games is one way to keep mentally fit. holla@me Monday, August 08, 2005
"British put periods and commas outside quotations--while we do it inside on the other side of the Atlantic." LOL...yes, I learned this quickly. Can we get some freakin' grammar consistency here? holla@me
Is 2:00 a good time to go to sleep when one has court @ 9:00 that morning? *chuckling* I'm not tired though...been getting my napping in when I can. Strange - I notice (and maybe I've said this before) when I sleep 4-6 hours nightly, I feel more refreshed with a mental edge that is elusive when I get the "normal" 8 hours nightly. Lately, I've been grabbing 2hrs here and there, which isn't bad but a longer block of rest would be nice. It's been a busy few weeks with no signs of slowing down and with school starting soon, it's only going to steadily increase. Oh, finished reading The Half-Blood Prince...she writes very well, I love it! Rowling manages to make a "childrens" book much more adult than some of the "grown-up" books I've read. Impressive, as usual. Did I ever think I'd say that? Hell no. I was very skeptical of the series...until I read them. more later... Oh Goodness! These horoscopes...*rolling eyes* An amusing sitch that happened on Saturday w/T- and Fritz. Another time. ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: You know you've got what it takes. Isn't it about time you let yourself shine? Overview: A few people have their eyes on you, all for different reasons. Someone thinks you'd make the perfect sweetheart. Someone else wants to move you on up at work. It's all up for grabs if you want it. Daily flirt: You are a shining beacon of fun for most people, so expect a lot of positive attention if you decide to put yourself on display today or tonight. Taurus Daily extended: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and right now everyone is beholding you as a pretty luscious sight to be seen. You know how to take care of yourself as if you are someone who is extremely valuable, and for a good reason -- you are. People respond to your innate self-confidence by wanting to be around you.-(Natch, of course!) You've got your pick of companions. While they're appreciating your beauty, why not go out and appreciate some art together? Leo Daily extended: Every so often, others have accused you of making everything all about you, but those finger-pointers certainly couldn't find fault with your current behavior. Right now it's far more gratifying to spend your time and considerable energy to helping someone out who desperately needs a hand. It might be tempting to ask yourself what exactly you're getting out of the deal, but that's only the old you talking. Let your heroic self shine instead. Libra Daily extended: Good news is coming your way about something that's been on your mind for a while, so stop fretting. Instead, turn your attention to the small details that escaped your attention while you were worrying about the recent turn of events. (It's amazing how quickly they can pile up, isn't it?) Rather than putting pressure on yourself to get them all taken care of now, prioritize and address the most pressing and save the rest for later. Pisces Daily extended: Usually you're one of the most accepting and forgiving of all the signs in the zodiac, but some nitpicky celestial influences might be turning up the volume on your inner critic. Now, a clear and honest eye is always an asset, but only if it's tempered with kindness and an understanding of the big picture. So go ahead and offer your advice -- but only if you can keep everything well within perspective. holla@me Sunday, August 07, 2005
YUMMMM... Tomatoes, Spinach, Brussels Sprouts and Lima Beans for dinner washed down with some water. My favorites! Well, I like all the veggies; except okra...just can't get down on okra unless it's in gumbo - love gumbo. holla@me
Great time yesterday w/my crew. Awww, T-'s character bit the dust. Got home 2:30, woke-up B- & spent some time with him...another 4:00 bedtime. The dust dragons are starting to overrun the house! ...damn hardwood floors. *yawn* I really need to rest today. Settlement conference tomorrow. I just want that chapter of Life closed - soon enough. ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: You must be present to win. So if it's important to you, make sure you show up. Overview: You know how when a dog learns a new trick they get a treat? Well, you've learned several new tricks, and have pulled off some old ones with aplomb. Isn't it time for a treat (or two) for you? Absolutely! Daily flirt: It's a great time for a makeover of one kind or another. Your eye for hot-versus-not is finely tuned right now, and if you make a few tweaks or a total rebuild you'll soon be back in action. - Bah! I'm fine right now I think. *wicked flash* Taurus Daily extended (by're the epitome of courtesy and thoughtfulness right now, and your ability to take in everyone's needs along with your own makes you the ideal go-between. You're able to figure out solutions to knotty problems and spy detours that make the journey more pleasurable than the ultimate destination. If a bad situation comes along, you can make it better. If a good situation comes along, you can make it fantastic. holla@me Saturday, August 06, 2005
Whew! Gettin' ready to run to D&D now...lagging behind, but it's a day off so fuck my crew if they get `tude. Tee-hee As I was pounding out the chicken breast and preparing the marinade for the filets, I paused for a moment and thought about the fact that I am making food for these males... HA! What the hell is wrong with me? *sly smile & eyebrow raised* LoL Oh, I guess it must be love. holla@me
*sigh* Of course, I didn't get to meet Em... We had lawn tickets - much too far away to be able to do anything. Oh well, it was a pipe-dream anyways. heh *grin* It was good though! Had a blast gettin' down there and even better once at the pavilion. The chickies I went with were laughin' and shakin' their heads, wonderin' where I get my energy from as I was dancin' and rhymin' right as we heard the music at 19:00. "And it's all natural," Red was saying; "No additives or preservatives!" LOL...gimme gimme WATER!!! Total crash when it was over @ 23:30...exhausted, hungry, in need of l'eau NOT costing $3+ for 16oz - fuckers. My voice was shot and still when we got to Red's car, we put in Eminem and rhymed with that for the HOUR we waited to get out of the freakin' parking lot! Tucked-in to some nasty IHOP food; I really should eat more than a banana and yogurt for the day...oops, forgot. Finally got home and in bed by 4:20 and my ass gets up at what? 8:30. What's wrong w/me that I can't sleep?!? Well, as the saying goes, I'll sleep when I'm dead. D&D today...another long, fun day; be glad to see my crew. Oh hey! I gotta prep the chicken filets I'm bringin' and re-do my character as Steven set several of my character attributes incorrectly being he doesn't understand her class and race; to our party's disadvantage, I must add. Whatever... ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Make beautiful music together even if you're out of practice. Tune up. Overview: Alluring is one way to put it. Devastatingly entrancing is another. No matter how you describe it, one thing's for certain: Your charm is at unheard of levels right now. Go ahead and work it. Oh yes! Often take the time to ground myself. Taurus Daily extended (by's no sign of the zodiac that truly appreciates the earthy pleasures than you, and today those extra-heightened senses are sharpened even further. Go outside and sink your toes in the grass, take an extra-long bath or make a point of stopping to build a sandcastle at a local park or beach. Connections to the earth make you feel extremely grounded and more capable of dealing with everything else in your life. holla@me Friday, August 05, 2005
OOOOO...I'm gonna see Marshall Mathers tonight!!! I am tres excited. Tellin' my friend comin' with me that we're gonna do what we can (within reason) to meet Eminem tonight. For real, I'm not one of those groupy way. I wanna sit down and have a decent chat with the man. I think he is my "dark" opposite. *grin* Hmmm - now what to wear? Taurus Daily extended (by hear that old folk saying about how water should seek its own level? The stars second that emotion -- likeminded types will help you get things done right now. If you can, seek out and form bonds with those whom you know to have similar or compatible work and conversational styles. While opposites can definitely attract, during moments like these they might just draw more strife than anything else. holla@me Thursday, August 04, 2005
Yesterday, explaining to therapist how surprised I am that Sister, Brother and I have worked out our issues and are back together again. He asked me why and then told me that I am a different person than several months ago. I do feel load feels lighter and I feel connected and even more confident, funny, intelligent, secure, etc. I love it and am so thankful. *beaming* ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Some people are too busy taking sides to see what's going on. You're not. Overview: You've got a silver tongue, and someone wants you to put it to good use for some tricky negotiations that are coming up. Mind your manners, and you could end up getting far more than what you asked for. Taurus Daily extended (by's so, so easy and tempting to get involved in a verbal battle of the wits, but be careful or that repartee could quickly descend to the level of, 'Did too!' and 'Did not!' It's best to consider if there's any point in debating the point or if it's simply a forum for two people to shout their opinions at each other. If you're feeling absolutely obstreperous, go and work it out on the punching bag -- the exercise will do you worlds of good. holla@me Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Spooky... ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Run your ideas past your friends. They might have something to add to the mix. Overview: You're a wizard with words, especially when it comes to making complicated concepts clear to just about anyone. That skill comes in extra handy today, when big ideas need you as their ambassador. Taurus Daily extended (by surprisingly positive response awaits you if you're willing to put yourself out there. What's imperative is that you examine your motives before you speak. Are you voicing sentiments that will satisfy immediate needs, or do you have the long term in mind? Are you considering only petty ego concerns, or are you weighing the benefits to all the parties involved? If you speak from your heart, you are guaranteed excellent feedback. Leo Daily extended (by to be different right now -- at least, different from how others perceive you. While you have something of a rep for superstar tendencies among your celestial brethren, you also have a softer, more modest side that shines during times like these. So go ahead and be humble, self-effacing and think about others first. It's nice to remember how well rounded you are when it comes to the range of human emotions. Libra Daily extended (by someone picking up on the unconscious distress signals you've been putting out? If they're reaching out to you, confide how you're feeling rather than brushing them off. Normally you love being in the social mix, but being around lots of people might be causing you to feel more tense than happy due to some latent emotions that need to be expressed. It's a good thing you have people in your life who are so astute. holla@me Monday, August 01, 2005
And so, with brother picked-up by his two sisters and safely brought back home, he can continue his life in a manner that he desires. I am just too happy, it feels. Still hearing ... everyone nervous to talk about it. He's a grown-ass man, dawg; he's gonna take care of himself. For real! I don't think much on what I expect a person to do with Life. I don't feel I have a right to really `cause I know for damn sure I'll be all over a bitch if they tryin' to tell me. hee-hee *grin* I look at it like this, he's a smart motherfucker...that's what's been the problem. *chucklin'* Balance. I believe he's discovered it; time to unearth it and put it to use. Anyway It was funny pickin' him up though...had to wait and the `mates that were outside were holla-ing and made their way into the lobby (when we were in) and then back out again as we waited for Bro at the gate. Had to make a stop and get him a `fit so's he wouldn't be lookin' like no bum when he made his debut after a 7 year, 2 month and some odd weeks hiatus. And though there is still much to discuss and much to do, the three of us blended perfectly just like butter and salt on popcorn. Kewl! holla@me
ambercyn's Daily Taurus Forecast Quickie: Silliness is in order for the day. Go ahead, play tag at the office. Who's 'It'? Overview: Like a master conductor, you've got all the different parts of your life playing in harmony and making absolutely beautiful music together. Sit back and enjoy the symphony -- you deserve it. Taurus Daily extended (by can others help you with your problems if you don't talk about them? The ever-reliable bull likes to be self-reliant, but it doesn't mean you're weak if you need to confide in someone else -- on the contrary, the ability to be vulnerable shows how much strength you have where it truly counts. So don't try and shoulder this burden alone, especially when you have so many people who can help you deal with this. Libra Daily extended (by're in a position most people would kill for, as your career success accelerates like a rocket just as someone signals that they're ready to take things to a deeper level in your personal life. However, this may be causing you some stress (remember that old adage about being careful what you wish for?) along with glee. Ratchet down your anxiety level by reminding yourself that even good changes always cause some upheaval. holla@me |
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