Girl With The Curls |
Observations of a Quixotic Femme Noire
__One Percent - 1%__
Warrior-woman; a Valkyrie. I'll always be yours. Always...and never. ![]() Are You HOT or NOT? ![]() ![]() ARCHIVES 04.2001 05.2001 06.2001 07.2001 08.2001 09.2001 10.2001 11.2001 12.2001 01.2002 03.2002 04.2002 05.2002 06.2002 07.2002 08.2002 09.2002 11.2002 01.2003 03.2003 04.2003 05.2003 08.2003 03.2004 04.2004 05.2004 07.2004 11.2004 12.2004 01.2005 02.2005 03.2005 04.2005 05.2005 06.2005 07.2005 08.2005 09.2005 10.2005 11.2005 12.2005 01.2006 02.2006 04.2006 05.2006 10.2006 11.2006 01.2007 02.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 11.2007 12.2007 05.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 |
Monday, April 30, 2001
I'm in one of those moods again. The kind that I don't want to really talk to anyone. If a person wants to talk to me, I want to be able to say as little as possible. I'm not too crazy about feeling this way though. I enjoy talking with people and all that "personable" shit. Not today however. I could crawl into bed and read "Hunchback of Notre Dame" today. I'm about 1/4 of the way through, I'm betting if I were home, I'd be able to finish it. Victor Hugo was such a down to earth person. I'm amazed at how he's captured the realism of the times; how people treated each other and what probably went on in their day to day. "Les Miserables" is my favorite musical, but the book had me in tears within the first 10 pages. So realistic...wasn't there a *real* Jean Valjean? But one thing that I've heard a lot of people say is how depressing Victor Hugo's writings are. He puts humor and comedy in, but I think it's the truism he incorporates: His style feels so open and free; natural, that it seems he is bleak in his observations of human relationships and interactions. Some of the books/thoughts that are published at this time seem to be grasping, trying to catch the inattainable, as far as expressing true human behaviour. Some writers have a definite plot and force the characters or the situation, making for me, a hard read. So, I'm stuck here at work, feeling antisocial and hoping that I'm throwing that vibe to be left alone...only if I'm lucky. I can't wait to get home a curl up with my kitty-cats and my dude...the dog can rest on the floor. *sigh* I need a hug. I'll have to wait *pout*. holla@me Saturday, April 28, 2001
Why do Krispy Kremes taste so fuckin` good!?! I am convinced that those doughnuts are pumped with different types of drugs! Why else would they be so good. And how come after a week, they are still so soft and moist and yummmmmy? D R U G S.... that is the only explaination. Not that I've had any recently. Two weeks ago I did. My dude bought them. His metabolism is crazy insane! He can gain or lose 5lbs a day. So he downed like 7 doughnuts in 2 days. I held out the weekend...but Monday came. I took 2 of the glazed death and ate them on my way to work! Oh well, my body apparently NEEDED them. No guilt. Just that I don't go out of my way to purchase them. I drive by 2 Krispy Kreme stores in my problem. They call only when in our house. Anyway, I was just of my thoughts holla@me
Anyway, I'm feeling deliciously sensuous today. mmmmm...I love feeling like this. lol! I think I'm gonna do something about it! holla@me
Last Week I heard about the new Bill that has passed in "The House. The vote on H.R. 503, The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2001 . The vote on the legislation, sponsored by Rep. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., was 252 to 172, with 198 Republicans, 53 Democrats and one independent voting for it, and 21 Republicans, 150 Democrats and one independent voting against it. The measure would apply only to crimes in federal jurisdictions, but 24 states have similar laws. State supreme courts and one federal appeals court have upheld state statutes that make it a criminal offense to kill or injure a fetus. The House passed Graham’s legislation by a nearly identical margin in 1999, but former President Clinton threatened to veto it and the Senate took no action on the bill. This year its prospects look better since President Bush has indicated he would sign it into law. Senate Republican leaders have not yet indicated when they will take up the legislation, however. Graham said his bill “was written to preserve existing abortion law” and would not authorize the prosecution of women or doctors for having or performing a legal abortion. Calling Graham’s bill “clearly unconstitutional,” Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting House delegate who represents the District of Columbia, said “it defines the fetus as a person in direct, in-your-face violation of Roe vs. Wade.” While on one hand, YES I DO want a law "to make it a crime under federal and military law for a someone to attack a pregnant woman and harm her unborn child"(per article Graham Bill Passes House of Representatives ), at the same DOES seem like it is going in the direction to make abortion illegal. Sure, they are going to exempt "abortion doctors" (what MOST people would call OB/GYN's), but for how it only a matter of time that the bill could be made a law that could make abortion illegal? I wonder how many women have chairs in the House of Representatives? This is a puzzling situation. On one hand, it is protecting mothers who desire to have children but it could be changed so that women don't have a choice of keeping a child or not. We can only see and hope that this will be to EVERYONE'S mutual advantage. If it gets out of hand, we will have to be ready to stand, be counted and refuse to allow women "no choice." Here's to hopin` the Human Race doesn't fuck upand put us back in the "Dark Ages." holla@me Friday, April 27, 2001
How easy is it for a person to come up with something profound? I've noticed that it's when I'm not trying that it happens. Cleaning the kiddies rooms is hell! I've been trying to make myself busy. Stuff needs to get done around the house but I have the weekend, besides having to go to Bren's baseball game, b.s. (baby shower, haha), and possibly work sometime on Sunday. Anyways, I got a nap in and I'm feeling ok. I need to learn about HTML and all that shit! I'm trying to show my imood link and of course, being the novice I am, I have no clue...where to put the code and all that. I stuck it under the description of this blog...but either I did it wrong or it just hasn't refreshed on my page yet (I have noticed an hour delay or so to show on the blogspot website, but then again, I dunno what I'm doing anyway *smile*). We shall see. I'm learning, slowly. holla@me Thursday, April 26, 2001
This has been an odd day for me. First, I just felt so far away from my dude. I hate that. I've been a little on the irritated path this week (we know what that means) and I don't think this Sarafem is workin` the way it's supposed to. However, I've been going through two very stressful life situations. First my sister. `Nough said. Anything I say would just sound like slander *winsome smile*. So there isn't a point. The second is this kid hit my car during a snow storm. I enjoy driving in the snow, actually, I LOVE to drive anytime, but he was being cocky behind the wheel. He was speeding and "quick stopping" his car and honkin` his horn in a 2 mile back-up from the snow. He eventually skidded and rear-ended me because of it. Then he refused to give me his insurance information, stating he would pay. Well that was 2/22/01 (two days before my 6th year wedding anniversary) and he has turned into this big pussy about it. He's turned it over to his father to handle and his father is trying to haggle instead of doing "what is right". I'm at the point where I'm ready to call the police (because refusing to give insurance info is a crime where I live) and then submitting a claim through my insurance just to start the proceedings. I, unfortunately, was forgettful and didn't get his tag number (I was nervous! I was going to pick up my kids during a snow storm and got hit! It was close to rush hour traffic time and I was worried that something ELSE may happen while my kids were in the car) so it will be a more difficult process. My dude (husband for y'all that don't know me) is handling it now because the father basically told me I was a woman and would NOT speak with me! AAARRRGGGHHH!!! There is n o t h i n g more frustrating than a man/woman that treats the opposite sex with little respect based on gender. So B- and me would do different in this situation. He wants to give the guy a chance. He feels the guy will do what he asks of him. He wants to be a little more laid back than I do. Not that I want to fly off the handle, I just want this person to understand that he can't call the shots in an occurence that was entirely his son's fault! It's caused some stress between my man and me. I hate that. Heat between me and my man should be sexual passion, mental connection, emotional understanding and physical lovin`. I accept the fact that I need to process things and dwell on them. That may not always be the best thing, but that is what I do. And I'm lucky in many ways to have my dude love and accept every freakish and odd behaviour I have. It's just been tough for me lately. I'm trying not to do anything rash and silly, it seems to be working out for me. I still have this gnawing feeling that my intellect has been "compromised" and that possibly my dude feels that I wasn't rational with the man. He has assured me that he doesn't. He and I had a good talk about it too. We still need to talk more about it. But long story short...he agreed that he will talk and explain himself and his actions more. I agreed that I would "tone it down"; that I would listen more. It's a start *smile*. That's all you can do in marriage from what I've noticed: Work. Not always what we want to do, but what it has to be done. So, there it is. Let's hope that this works. I really want this to go through...more for B- than for me because I don't want him to feel foolish for being a laid back person. I don't like anyone taking advantage of my family. My sister...she's another story entirely. *laughing my ass off* holla@me
This is my first blog....I christen this blog: GWTC I can get down to business. It's always the first time that's hardest and painful for me. That wasn't so hard *grin* holla@me |
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